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If you find a baby bunny:

If you find an injured baby bunny, please take the following steps:

If you find a baby bunny that appears to be injured showing signs of bleeding, shivering, or attacked by a cat or a dog or sick call a Wildlife Rehabilitator immediately. If you find baby bunnies that appear to be healthy and are hopping around with both eyes open, leave them alone! Baby bunnies at this stage do not need help from us. If you have found a baby bunny that looks fragile and eyes that are not wide-open, have a look around for the nest in the area. Bunny nests often look like shallow depressions or an indentation in a grassy area. If you can find its nest, place the baby bunny back into its nest and cover it back up. Bunnies feed their young at dusk and dawn and the mother usually stays away from the nest for long periods of time. You can place an X on the top of the nest with two small twigs. Check the next day and see if the X has been disturbed. If the X has been moved then the mother has been back to care for her babies. If the twigs have not been disturbed than the baby bunnies may be orphaned, contact a Wildlife Rehabilitator.

Important note about rescuing wildlife:

It is important to know that wild animals can carry zoonotic diseases that can be harmful to you. If you find any Wildlife that you suspect to be abandoned, in danger, or injured, please call a Wildlife Rescue in your area. Always protect yourself first before attempting to assist any wildlife!

Here are some of the precautionary measures you can take to protect yourself:
• Wear protective (leather or thick vinyl) gloves and eye protection if you must handle wildlife
• Wash your hands well with soap and plenty of water after coming in contact with baby animals
• Avoid contact with baby animals' body fluids and secretions
• Do not handle baby animals that appear to be vomiting or have diarrhea • Do not let stray baby animals come in contact with your other pets • If you are bitten or scratched, wash the wound with soap and water, and seek medical advice immediately!

The above safety tips are extremely important to remember protect yourself, your family and your pets. Never attempt to assist any Wildlife if there is a danger of you or someone else being injured, scratched or bitten. If you need to place an animal in a box for the mother to come and retrieve them or to transport the animal to a wildlife rehabilitator warm the baby and place a plastic leak proof bottle of warm water wrapped in a towel in the box with the animal. This will help keep the baby warm.

Please do NOT feed or water any wildlife. Feeding or watering a wild animal can be a death sentence for the animal. No wild animal can tolerate cow's milk. In many cases, giving cow's milk can cause fatal digestive problems. Bring the animal to a Wildlife Rehabilitator as soon as possible. Please remember to keep your cat's indoors and remind your neighbors to do the same!